Netflix 3.7 free download |
Netflix is a video streaming application that allows access to a library of movies and TV shows huge in this.
Netflix and Windows applications to Windows 8 Modern UI with a beautiful interface. From the main screen, you have three new scenes video and instant queue. Move to the left and you will see recommended movies, Netflix popular video is broken down by species.
wszystkoDziała efficient and hebat.Kawalan film looks great and is easy to use, especially to the touch, but the applicationworks well with a mouse and keyboard. The entire surface will deviate too far from Netflix and other applications. Movies and TV programs are aligned in a grid with thumbnail or video art show.
Netflix will save you close the application during pauzyczy and return to watch from Netflix any other device supported. This is great if you want to watch on your tablet beralihdaripada watching on the big screen.
supports multitasking in Windows 8 NeflixHefyd. Netflix can pin on both sidesthe screen to watch the video in a small screen while using other applications. Otherwise, you can get Netflixjako main application and other applications with multitasking pin next to Netflix in a larger window. On the whole, Netflix can be used even in the multiplayer mode this task.
Overall, it took Netflix and TV watching experience besarfilem for Windows8 and 10.
In this update we added features and bug fixes.