Cities: Skylines installer Download Free |
Cities: Horizons – a town-planning and management simulator that gives you the ability to create and develop their own metropolis. As a result of disappointing SimCity 2013 genre of games is very good – a breath of fresh air. The annex to the big game, it opens adalahmod setCommunity, so you can pretty much get to the city simulator that you have always wanted.
Fashion, fashion,
If you are the first city Skylines, you could be forgiven for being pemikiranringanSimCity paraphrase an old game. But a little persistence shows that developers are not just learningin their predecessors, but also add their own ideas and innovations.
To begin with, the city: Skylines can quickly mikrourovnyat andabandar. You can create special rules for each area – for example, to legalize drugs and the elimination of police in the area, and see what happens!
iftyDumayu, this game is missing something, can create your own event, ataumelihat a large number of already created by other players. At the time of this writing, more than 35,000 public arena set up special buildings such as the skate park to improve the AI and the first trafficmode. While one modders created a helicopter mode, so you can terbangdi about their city! Modding is a city Skylines has almost unlimited possibilities.
Create your dream city
Cities: Skylines actually seemed adrasnekatoryya of the biggest criticisms of SimCity. itthe best size of the city – they are five times more than in the past, the creation of Maxis. He also played in a standalone mode, and includes a full map editor.
fashion field and real cities – Cities: Skylines give you a hint for making it to the city you want.
Cities: Skylines fineoptimized, so you do not need a super computer chtobyHorosho start the game. The graphics are not very bright of SimCity, but it still looks good, even if you menghampirilebih close to your work. The interface looks intuitive, especially if you are playing the same game, for example, CitiesXL or SimCity.
SimCity, you should expect
Although this is not ideal, City: Horizons – the best game in kelasnyadengan beautiful SimCity 4. This gives you the freedom and tools to create a city that you want, and you can kiravatstyya you want. generate support for mods of the game is something very special.