Pirates Of The Caribbean: Salazars Revenge online movie |
Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar Salazar RevengeWhen the risk is high, and the Spirit of him Devil`s of a triangle is determined by the flight crew of a pirate, a pirate on the sea, to destroy the whole – including Captain Jack Sparrow. Go only by his old enemy, Jack must find a Trident legendary Neptune, which gives powerful artifact gains full control of the sea. But the fact that the move will represent a fair and fair society and nautaePertinax CarinaSmyth astronomer royal navy young Henry.
General Release Date: May 25, 2017
Genre: Rock / Adventure / Fantasy
Time: not available
Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures
With: Johnny Depp, Javier Bardem, Orlando Bloom, WEB Thwaites, Kaya Scodelario, Mark McNally, Geoffrey Rush
Director: Joachim Rnning, Espen Sandberg
Format: 2D