The impeachment against US President Donald Trump is getting closer
They mostly use it pointing downwards and at waist level. It is now also being shown by supporters of President Trump – among other things to provoke supporters of the opposition Democrats. Board full of "Trump haters": Trump may not want to take part in TV duel Newspaper counts since he took office: Trump doubles number of questionable statements America’s longest war: Reports: USA wants to withdraw 4,000 soldiers from Afghanistan
The racist attacker from Christchurch, who killed 51 people in attacks on two mosques in March, showed it when he first appeared in court.
Sources used: AFP news agency
Kremlin chief Putin and Ukrainian President Zelenskyi met in person for the first time in the splendor of the Élysée Palace in Paris. Does this now bring the end of the war in eastern Ukraine? It remains complicated.
After his brisk walk to the Elysée Palace, the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj shows the victory sign at the start of the summit. A little later he is there. For the first time ever, he meets Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin and shakes his hand. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and host Emmanuel Macron sit down at a minimalist wooden table. Putin nods in a friendly manner to Zelenskyi and tells him to turn to the photographer for a picture. Both smile friendly at the cameras. "Yes, I’m happy"Putin said later that evening about his first direct conversation with Zelenskyi. It took an hour and 20 minutes – significantly longer than planned.
The 41-year-old Ukrainian had to wait a long time for this historic moment. The 67-year-old Putin took his time, but recently came under pressure in the Ukraine conflict because of Zelenskyi’s fresh and gripping nature. The ex-comedian Selenskyj finally wanted "the people" See Putin, get a feel for whether "really everyone wants to gradually end this tragic war"as he said on a talk show on Friday. The two had already telephoned, carried out a prisoner exchange and other peace steps.
Zelenskyi said early on that he was even with the "bald-headed devil" would negotiate to resolve the conflict. Whether he was referring to Putin, who was sometimes depicted in this way in Ukrainian caricatures, remained open. It was clear to everyone in Paris that the key to a solution to the Ukraine conflict lies in the Kremlin.
Zelenskyi and Putin are getting closer
French President Macron and Merkel stood by the inexperienced Selenskyj at the meeting with the professional Putin. Moscow’s state media gleefully showed recordings of Zelenskyi’s notes in the file on the negotiating table – "everything in his native Russian"as they noted with satisfaction. The chemistry between Zelensky and Putin seemed to be right.
Putin did not even congratulate the newcomer to politics with a record result of 73 percent in the April election. In the summer he teased, with a view to Zelenskyi’s successful television role as president, that it was something different to play a head of state than actually hold office. His compliment that Zelenskyi was a talented comedian who knew how to entice his audience also sounded poisoned.
In the meantime, however, Putin has repeatedly expressed his appreciation. "It seems to me that he is a personable person and sincere"said Putin in the autumn. He believes that Zelensky really wants to change the situation for the better. That takes courage and strength, said Putin, also with a view to protests in Ukraine.
The meeting in the so-called Normandy format is accompanied by Germany and France as mediators. (Source: AP / dpa)
Above all, militant nationalists warn Selenskyj again and again "red lines", from making large concessions to Russia and the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. They see the danger that the more than five years of fighting will have been in vain and that the interests of Ukraine could be betrayed. According to UN estimates, around 13,000 people died in the fighting between Ukrainian government troops and Russian-backed separatists.
For Putin, the media professional Selenskyj has long since become a challenge. While Zelenskyi’s predecessor Petro Poroshenko with his anti-Russian choice of words still served as the ideal hate figure in the conflict, the ex-actor is a popular figure whose style is also well received by many Russians.
High level of dissatisfaction with Putin’s policy
Putin did not come to Paris as a strong man. Russia is in a serious economic crisis and people are complaining about extremely high prices. There is little acceptance in Russia for the wars in Syria and Ukraine. In addition, the sanctions imposed by the USA and the EU in the wake of the Ukraine conflict are putting pressure on developments in Russia. Surveys show that the Kremlin is very dissatisfied with Putin’s policies. Russia needs progress in the conflict so that the sanctions fall at some point.
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Selenskyj would have liked to expand the summit to include US President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. After all, the Americans and the British gave the Ukrainian military massive support in the war against the pro-Russian separatists. But Trump with his impending impeachment and Johnson with Brexit and Thursday’s election have other concerns. In addition, Merkel and Macron, and certainly not Putin, wanted to let themselves be sparked from the outside. You want to resolve the conflict yourself.
Sources used: dpa news agency
Taliban and USA are negotiating again. President Trump ended peace negotiations in September after the Taliban carried out a series of attacks.
The US resumed negotiations with the Taliban on Saturday in Qatar, according to US sources. The talks have continued in Doha, the focus is on reducing violence with the aim of intra-Afghan negotiations and a ceasefire, said the US source.
US President Donald Trump held the peace negotiations in September after a series of Taliban attacks in Afghanistan "dead" explained. A few days ago, the US State Department announced that negotiations should resume shortly.
Trump: Taliban want "deal"
Trump had previously announced a resumption of talks during a troop visit to Afghanistan. The Taliban wanted "make a deal".
Trump wants an end to the 18-year civil war in Afghanistan – also so that he can show a foreign policy success for the 2020 election year. After the attacks of September 11th in Afghanistan in 2001, the United States entered Afghanistan to fight the al-Qaeda terrorist network. Around 13,000 US soldiers are currently stationed in the country.
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The Taliban, who see the government in Kabul as a puppet of the United States, have so far rejected a ceasefire. Fatal attacks are repeatedly carried out in Afghanistan.
Sources used: AFP news agency
It’s an old tradition: the presidential debate of the candidates before the US elections. But Trump wants to break with it – he suspects the organizers of the event are against him.
US President Donald Trump does not yet want to commit himself whether he will take part in the traditional debates between the presidential candidates before the election next year. "I will make a decision in due course", wrote Trump on Monday on Twitter. Trump criticized the non-profit commission that has organized the debates for more than three decades as "very biased". The committee is full of "Trump haters".
The Republican President also wrote that there are many options for debating – for example, directly and bypassing the commission. He’s looking forward to working with the "happy person" to discuss that with the Democrats "trips over the finish line".
Trump lost in duel with Clinton
Before the 2016 election, Trump stood in three debates against the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Polls confirmed that Clinton had done better in the debates.
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Trump wants to run again in the November 2020 election. As things stand, the 73-year-old has no challenger in the Republican Party who could pose a threat to him. The Democrats have 15 candidates for their party’s presidential candidacy. The primaries, in which the Democrats will finalize their candidate for the November 2020 presidential election, will begin in Iowa in early February.
Sources used: dpa news agency
The US President has considered the Russia investigations "Witch hunt" sentenced. The FBI accused him of spying on his campaign team. An official report comes to a different conclusion.
According to a report by the Justice Department’s internal supervisory authority, the US Federal Police’s FBI investigations into Russia in the vicinity of Donald Trump’s election campaign team were not politically motivated. No evidence has been found that the investigation was started because of political bias, it said in the report of the inspector general of the Justice Department published in Washington on Monday. The investigation, which was originally launched against Trump’s campaign advisors in 2016, was in accordance with the rules of the Ministry and the FBI. US President Trump still named the FBI investigation on Monday "Attempted coup".
Trump has repeatedly claimed that the FBI spied on his campaign team. The 476-page report said that no evidence was found that the FBI attempted to smuggle undercover agents into Trump’s team, instruct underwriters to report on his election campaign, or use Trump team agents as underwriters to recruit. The information from the FBI was limited. However, they were sufficient to initiate an investigation in July 2016. However, requests for surveillance in the context of the investigation had serious shortcomings.
Trump called the investigations "a shame"
Trump said Monday at an event at the White House that the investigations were "a shame" been. The investigators had falsified evidence and lied in court. Attorney General William Barr said the report made it clear that the FBI had a "intrusive investigation" in the election campaign of a presidential candidate based "thinnest suspicions" have initiated. In his opinion, these were not sufficient to initiate investigations.
Connecticut State Attorney John Durham – who is preparing his own report on the Russia investigation – said Monday that it did not share some of the conclusions of the Inspector General’s report. It is about the circumstances of the opening of the FBI investigation. Trump said he was looking forward to this report, which is in "not too distant future" will be published."
Special investigator Mueller took over investigations
The FBI investigations initially focused on campaign advisors Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort. They were later expanded. In May 2017, they were taken over by FBI special investigator Robert Mueller.
Mueller examined whether the Trump camp made secret agreements with representatives of Russia in the 2016 election campaign and whether Trump had obstructed the judiciary. For the first point, Mueller found no evidence in his final report from last March; he left the second open. At the same time, he emphasized that he did not exonerate Trump from the allegation of obstruction of justice. Trump has always denied the allegations and from one "Witch hunt" spoken.
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The Russia investigation is separate from the investigation by the Democrats in the US House of Representatives into the Ukraine affair, which is the basis for a possible impeachment trial against Trump. The Democrats accuse Trump of pushing his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyi to investigate his political rival Joe Biden in order to sway the 2020 presidential election in his favor. The Democrats see it as proven that Trump made a meeting with Zelenskyi in the White House and the release of military aid for Ukraine dependent on it.
Sources used: dpa news agency
The Democrats want to remove President Trump from office. Now they are initiating the proceedings with specific charges. That is the text of the Democrats’ indictment.
The impeachment against US President Donald Trump is getting closer. The opposition Democrats have now presented the charges they want to bring against the president: abuse of office and obstruction of Congress. This is the statement in full:
"Today, in service of our commitment to our Constitution and our country, the House Judiciary Committee is introducing two impeachment charges alleging United States President Donald J. Trump of serious crimes and misdemeanors.
The first count revolves around abuse of power. It is an indictable offense when the president uses the power of his public office to derive improper personal gain from it – while ignoring or violating the national interest.
This is exactly what President Trump did when he asked and urged Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 presidential campaign. In doing so, he has damaged our national security, undermined the integrity of the elections, and broken his oath to the American people. These acts also fit in with Trump’s previous behavior in allowing foreign interference in our 2016 presidential election.